Ear infections drugs for children need to be adjusted according to the cause of the infection. In addition, sometimes it is also necessary to administer drugs to treat symptoms due to infection. Incorrect medication can cause a child's ear infection that is difficult to heal and cause complications. In general, the ear can be divided into three parts, namely the outer, middle and inner ear. These three parts of the ear can be infected by viruses, bacteria or fungi. In children, one type of ear infection that often occurs is otitis media which is an infection of the middle ear. Symptoms of ear infections that generally appear are pain and discharge from the ear or also called "congek". Medication to treat ear infections in children based on the cause Ear infections in children can occur in any part of the ear. If it occurs in the external ear, ear infection is called otitis externa, and if it occurs in the middle ear, it is called otitis media. Some conditions that c...