Ear infections drugs for children need to be adjusted according to the cause of the infection. In addition, sometimes it is also necessary to administer drugs to treat symptoms due to infection. Incorrect medication can cause a child's ear infection that is difficult to heal and cause complications.
In general, the ear can be divided into three parts, namely the outer, middle and inner ear. These three parts of the ear can be infected by viruses, bacteria or fungi.
In children, one type of ear infection that often occurs is otitis media which is an infection of the middle ear. Symptoms of ear infections that generally appear are pain and discharge from the ear or also called "congek".
Medication to treat ear infections in children based on the cause
Ear infections in children can occur in any part of the ear. If it occurs in the external ear, ear infection is called otitis externa, and if it occurs in the middle ear, it is called otitis media. Some conditions that can increase the risk of infection in a child's ear include ear scraping, injuries, and diseases of the nose and throat, such as colds, colds, and laryngitis. Various complaints can occur in children who have ear infections, such as more fussing, often holding the ear, feeling pain when the ear is touched, discharge or feces from the ear, to a fever. Well, when an ear infection occurs in children, there are several drugs that are generally given by doctors to overcome them, namely:1. Ear drops with antibiotic content
Ear drops with antibiotic content are usually given to treat ear infections caused by bacteria. Some types of ear infections that can be treated with this drug are external ear infections, middle ear infections that secrete fluid or pus, and infections of the mastoid bone that are usually caused by complications of ear surgery.2. Ear drops with antifungal content
As for children's ear infections caused by fungal growth, doctors will prescribe drugs with antifungal properties, such as clotrimazole. This drug works by fighting the growth of fungus in the ear.3. Medications that contain pain relievers
If an ear infection causes a child to have a fever and feel pain in the ear, the doctor will give fever-lowering drugs and pain relievers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. However, be careful if you want to give ibuprofen, especially to babies younger than 6 months. Although many fever-lowering drugs are sold freely, you should consult with your doctor before giving any medicine to children.4. Ear drops with steroid content
If an ear infection in a child causes inflammation, the doctor will prescribe ear drops that have steroids. This medicine is useful to relieve inflammation and reduce pain in a child's ear. There are various types of drugs for children's ear infections. Do not carelessly give it to the Little One. Provision of pediatric ear infection medication needs to be adjusted to the cause and condition of the child. So, always consult with your doctor to get the right ear infection for children.- Dermaga Apung HDPE
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